Tsamichas Law Firm legally advised Industria Italiana Autobus for the successful tender of 200 CNG Buses

We are thrilled to announce that Tsamichas Law Firm legally advised Industria Italiana Autobus S.p.A. on their successful tender to supply the city of Athens with 200 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses. This achievement not only marks a significant step towards enhancing urban mobility in Athens but also underscores our commitment to supporting sustainable transportation initiatives.
Il contratto per la fornitura di 200 autobus, lunghi 12 metri, è stato firmato oggi dal Ministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Christos Staikouras and the Commercial Operation – Director of the company Industria Italiana Autobus S.p.A. Salvatore Danilo Martelli, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, responsible for Transport, Christina Alexopoulos and the General Secretary of Transport, Yiannis Xifaras.
Congratulazioni a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato al progetto, in particolare ΤΖΩΡΤΖΙΔΟΥ ΚΙΚΗ ΚΙΚΗ and Spyros-Nikitas Tsamichas Tsamichas for their legal contributions and insights.
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