Spyros Nikitas Tsamichas at Naftemporiki – Need for Green Energy and Smart Technologies in Greece

Spyros Nikitas Tsamichas at Naftemporiki – Need for Green Energy and Smart Technologies in Greece

Mentre la comunità globale affronta le crescenti sfide del cambiamento climatico, il dibattito sui cicli energetici si sta orientando sempre più verso la sostenibilità e l'integrazione di tecnologie innovative. La Grecia, con la sua posizione geografica strategica e le sue ricche risorse naturali, è in una posizione unica per capitalizzare questo cambiamento, spingendo verso un futuro più verde e sostenibile.

The emphasis is on the diversification of renewable energy technologies, such as offshore wind or floating farms, which Greece aims to exploit significantly, with the aim of having a capacity of at least 2 GW by 2030. This is in line with the broader European ambition of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and aligned with the EU’s aggressive target of a 55% reduction in emissions within this decade. Technologies such as carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) are vital in this effort. These technologies represent a strategic investment to reduce CO2 emissions and are essential to maintain energy security.

The adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the proposal of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD) in the EU underline the commitment to corporate transparency and accountability. These directives require thorough reporting on environmental and social impacts, ensuring that companies live up to their sustainability claims. In addition, the green claims regulations set standards for documented and genuine representations of environmental efforts. This regulatory framework acts as an insurance policy against “greenwashing” by promoting authentic sustainability practices.

The country’s push towards green energy also involves exploiting Greece’s geographical advantages for geothermal energy and exploring the potential of wave energy. For example through the use of geothermal plants, Steam Mixture Flash Plant, steam is decompressed and separated into two supplies of steam and hot water. They are then used to generate electricity or for other thermal needs. Similarly, in the oscillating water column, waves enter a chamber, compressing the trapped air, which is then pushed through a turbine to generate electricity. These efforts can contribute to a diversified energy mix, reducing dependence on imported and fossil fuels.

Based on the established framework, Greece’s energy transformation strategy should also harness smart technologies to create a more efficient and resilient energy network. The integration of smart energy systems, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, can optimise energy distribution and consumption patterns, reducing waste and increasing efficiency. Investment in research and development of green technologies, including advanced battery storage solutions and smart grids, is essential. These technologies are vital to manage the intermittent nature of renewable energy and ensure stable energy supply.

Le tecnologie delle reti intelligenti, supportate dall'analisi avanzata dei dati e dall'Internet degli oggetti (IoT), stanno rivoluzionando il modo in cui l'energia viene distribuita e gestita. Queste reti possono bilanciare efficacemente la fornitura di energia da fonti rinnovabili, risolvendo i problemi di intermittenza. Altrettanto essenziali per la vita urbana sono le stazioni di ricarica dei veicoli elettrici (EV), l'illuminazione pubblica intelligente, la gestione dei rifiuti e i sistemi di risparmio idrico. Questi sistemi utilizzano sensori e dati in tempo reale per ottimizzare l'uso delle risorse, ridurre gli sprechi e diminuire i costi operativi.

Allo stesso tempo, la Grecia deve rafforzare il proprio quadro politico e giuridico per attrarre investimenti in infrastrutture energetiche sostenibili. Politiche chiare e coerenti possono promuovere l'innovazione e gli investimenti, favorendo un ambiente fiorente sia per le start-up di tecnologie verdi che per gli operatori già affermati.

In conclusion, Greece’s path to a sustainable future lies in a multi-level approach that includes the expansion of renewable energy, the adoption of cutting-edge energy efficiency technologies, and a strong regulatory environment that promotes transparency and sustainability in corporate behaviour. This integrated strategy will not only address environmental concerns, but will also create economic opportunities, pushing Greece towards a leading role in the global transition to sustainable energy.

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