Spyros Nikitas Tsamichas

Co-Founder and Legal Advisor of the LegalTech Start-Up “Energon Green Solutions Ltd“, which secured the first financial award at the UM Student Idea Competition. Completed successfully the Globalisation and Law spec International Corporate & Commercial Law LLM at the Maastricht University, after completing his LLB at the University of Manchester, upon receiving the “Manchester Leadership Award/Stellify” the university’s most prestigious accolade. Vast experience in LegalTech, Sustainability, EU Policies and Legal Aid Schemes.
Energon Green Solutions (2022-present)
Co-Founder / Legal Advisor
Created an integrated smart analytics ecosystem in which environmental and
energy efficiency data are recorded and assessed through widely
acknowledged standards. Offer asset-level ESG assessments, improvement
plans, and an overview of the project “Integrated Carbon Efficiency Platform”
through the Maastricht Startup Challenge.
The Law Society of Singapore (2019)
Criminal Legal Aid Scheme Internship
Assisted in the registration of applicants for Criminal legal aid; Kept minutes
for lead lawyers’ sessions; Interviewed applicants and summarised their legal
issues for case lists; and partook in various administrative duties.
Embassy of Greece Economic and Commercial Affairs, Ottawa, Canada (2019)
• Prepared the monthly Newsletter for the Hellenic Republic-Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.
• Attended the meeting of Economic and Commercial Advisors of the
European Union hosted by the Ministry of International Relations and of
Francophonie at Quebec and Montreal.
• Attended the “International Economic Forum of the Americas –
Conference of Montreal” with the topic “Embrace Change”
• Attended the conference “Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, and Public Safety in
Digital Age” by Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada
and Statistics Canada.
Legal Advice Centre at The University of Manchester (2017-2019)
Student Legal Adviser
Offering pro bono legal advice; Researching and preparing cases of Family and
Contract Law; Interviewed applicants.
Hill Dickinson International, Piraeus (2018)
Summer Internship
Gained insight into Maritime & Commercial Law. Prepared research notes on
case files and attended meetings with clients, after which I prepared minutes.
Member of European Parliament Trainee, Brussels (2018)
• Helped in the organisation of the campaign “Fish or Plastic: Avoiding
single-use plastics in European islands”
• Attended the Committee of Industry, Energy and Research (ITRE) and the
Committee of Regional Development (REGI).
• Attended Preparatory meetings and Working Group meetings of
European People’s Party (EPP).
• Prepared briefings with focus in Energy Industry, Circular Economy and
New Technologies such as AI and machine learning.
• Completed daily administrative, bureaucratic & logistical work and gained
experience of the legislative work of the European Parliament.
Herbert Smith Freehills, Manchester (2017-2018)
Campus Manager
Promoted the firm through social media and hosting events; Networking with
the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences.
International Organisation for Migration UN, Athens (2017)
Completed a two-week placement shadowing the Re-Location and
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) of department
associates. Gained insight into the administration of the Refugee Crisis
and the application of International and European Union Law.
DLA Piper Insight Day, Manchester (2017)
Gained insight into a global law firm through workshops, presentations and
one to one discussions with trainees and solicitors, which were hosted by the
Human Resources Department.
Alpha Bank, Belgrade (2014)
Completed a two-week placement shadowing the Human Resources Manager,
meeting the partners and visiting all the divisions. Gained valuable insight into
the operations of a financial institution and its legal issues.
Nostri soci
Panagiota Anastasiou
Laureato presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Atene
Spyros Nikitas Tsamichas
Co-fondatore e consulente legale di Energon Green Solutions Ltd, una piattaforma integrata per l'efficienza del carbonio
Lelouda Kotrotsou
Laureato presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Atene
Kyriaki Tzortzidou
Laureato presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Atene
Ioannis Tsamichas
Ioannis is highly specialized in Commercial and Civil Law, Public Procurement Law as well…