Kyriaki Tzortzidou

Kyriaki Tzortzidou has an extensive 35-year experience in various areas of legal practice, focusing primarily on public procurement tenders and contracts, corporate law, labour law, M&As, commercial contracts, civil law.
During the past years, Kyriaki has acted as counsel in numerous public procurement tender in various fields (e.g. energy, metro railway, photovoltaic installations, railways, urban buses etc.). Having dealt with Major Public Works that have been executed in Greece, involving the preparation for tender participation until contract signature and hence with the contract operation and claims until the project completion and final delivery, Kyriaki is very experienced on the procurement law, taking into account that has drafted numerous advisory memoranda analyzing the applicable Greek legislation.
As per civil law, Kyriaki has handled numerous cases regarding indicatively leasing contracts, rental contracts and potential claims by them, consultancy to travel agencies (e.g. hotel and cars rents contracts, disputes arising from clients and/or suppliers etc.), recovery of claims both for local and foreign entities, road accident and tort compensation cases and settlement of inheritance disputes.
As per corporate law, Kyriaki is excellent expertized counseling natural and legal entities on issues concerning the formalities for the establishment and structure of companies, the establishment of foreign companies in Greece (e.g. branch’s establishment) and the general operation of companies. In the frame of her long-term advising and working with minor and major companies, has been expertized on labour law and more specifically in matters of dismissals (invalidity of dismissal, payment of benefits, collective dismissals, etc.), promotions, changes that adversely affect working conditions, wage disputes, hours worked, entering into individual employment contracts etc.
Kyriaki is a member of the Athens Bar Association, authorised to practice before the Supreme Court.
She has also been awarded the certification of attendance of the 2nd National Conference for Public Procurement Contracts.
Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens (Greece).
Kyriaki speaks fluently Greek and English.
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