Ioannis Tsamichas at Naftemporiki TV “Greece tops in exports to Italy”

Ioannis Tsamichas at Naftemporiki TV “Greece tops in exports to Italy”

Recently I had the honor of being interviewed by Kostas Kaletsios on the renowned Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ | NAFTEMPORIKI TV Channel.

We delved into the promising growth of Greek-Italian trade relations 🇬🇷🇮🇹

– Greek exports to Italy skyrocketing to €2.5 billion – a remarkable 19.3% growth!
– Italian imports to Greece growing steadily at €2.4 billion, seeing a +4.8% rise!
– Through the collaboration of 84 bilateral Italian Chambers of Commerce, Greece proudly exports to a vast network of 61 countries!



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