Tsamichas Ioannis at Naftemporiki: “Energy Hub via Italy & Greece”

Tsamichas Ioannis at Naftemporiki: “Energy Hub via Italy & Greece”

Excited to share my latest article, published in the esteemed financial newspaper, Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ | NAFTEMPORIKI !

I delve into the growing cooperation between Greece and Italy in the energy sector, exploring how geopolitical developments are putting the Eastern Mediterranean at the heart of the energy map.🇬🇷🇮🇹

With the potential to become an energy hub, Greece’s role in Europe’s decarbonization and energy diversification goals is gaining significance.

A big thank you to Neftemporiki for publishing my piece.
#EnergyCooperation #GreeceItaly #EasternMediterranean#EnergyHub #Decarbonization #Geopolitics #Neftemporiki


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