1st Italy-Greece Business Forum on: The possibilities of cooperation between Italian and Greek Industries in agri-food

The forum took place in the meeting room of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the presence of important personalities from the field of politics, business, diplomacy, journalism, etc. The present were given, among others, by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations Paolo Gentiloni, his Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias, the Minister of Economy-Development and Tourism George Stathakis, the Deputy Minister in charge of Industry Theodora Tzakri, the president of E.B. E.A. Constantine Michalos, the Ambassador of Italy to Greece Luigi Marras, the President of the Hellenic-Italian Chamber of Athens Yiannis Tsamichas, the President of the Hellenic-Italian Chamber of Thessaloniki Mr. Christos Sarantopoulos, the Director of the I.C.E. (Italian Trade Promotion Agency) Mc-Roberto Luongo, CONFINDUSTRIA Deputy General Manager Daniel Kraus, the head of SACE (International Advisory Service) Luca Pasarriello, the president of FEDERALIMENTARE Mc-Luigi Scardamaglia, the vice president of ASSOFOODTEC (Food Technologies) Marco Novicelli, the president of the Panhellenic Association of Exporters of Greece and many others. The primary purpose of the forum was to search and find possible future ways of cooperation between the two countries, but also future joint-ventures, as well as the exchange of know-how in the food industry.
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